Children's Book Illustration
I am a published author with over 6 of my own titles, some of which have been self-published to promote world book day. Recent books include:
The King who went to the moon series - 4 books
Norris and Gertie Gobstopper for author Anne Signol - 4 books
From the blitz to the heart of Wales by Anne Signol
The Football Trials
Vale View Primary School Poetry Books
Brinnington Community Poetry Book
Scary Bear and the stinky cheese sandwich TBC
My best friend is a zombie
Santa and the red dragon save Christmas
Norris and Gerties adventures in Wales
Scary Bear and the stink cheese baguette!
Cammy school poetry day

New Projects
For over 30 years I have worked with an author called Anne Signol. During 2020-2021 and the global pandemic, we decided to create new books to keep ourselves focussed and to raise money for charities. The first book was called 'From the blitz to the heart of Wales".
The book was Anne's story about her childhood experience in Wales as an evacuee from the blitz. Our second book created in 2021 was written to raise money for the charity CRY - Cardiac Risk in the Young. This story featured my nephew Jordan who has cerebral palsy and Noah a young boy from Ghana who is bullied relentlessly. Their escape was a love of football and the desire to play for their local team.

A fun and spooky tale, full of rhyme. Hogwitch will cast a spell to tell, this magical tale to enjoy for all, young and old. A community art project for World Book Day. The local schools are involved in creating dragon cartoons for the next book. The book will be printed in Welsh and English.